Logo     Hassan Kareem the first deputy of the Parliament President     Logo     Al-Halbousi President for the Iraqi Council of Representatives     Logo     Iraqi Parliament Monitor Team     Logo     Council of Representatives resumed the ongoing session with a new constitutional breach     Logo     The continuation of the first session till the 15th of this month September 4th,2018


Do you think the performance of the current House of Representatives is better than the previous session?


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Session (4) / Semester Two / Third Year

  Session Items
Session Report




  Deputies By Parliamentary Committees Strategic Planning Committee and follow-up of the government program

Hazem Majeed Naji Abdul Hussain President
Mohammed Kareem Abdulhussein Hadi Vice President
Thaura Jawad Kadhim Hammadi Decision
Aras Habib Mohammed Kareem Member
Anam Mazid Nazil Derbash Member
Blessah Abduljabbar Ferman Ali Member
Sarcott Latef Shames aldin Mohammed Member
Ghandi Mohammed Abdul Kareem Abdulqadir Member
Mohammed Shiaa Sabar Hatem Member
Mohammed Ali Saleh Baqer Member
Manahel Jalil Ali Hussein Member
Nasser Turki Yasser Lafta Member
Nouri Kamel Mohammed Hassan Member


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