The Council of Representatives held on 18/6/2013 the first session of the first legislative term for the fourth year under chairmanship of Osama Al-Nujaifi, the Speaker of Council of Representatives. The session included the following:
- Attendance 175 MPs.
- The Council voted on the draft law on ratification of the convention on training Iraqi security forces between the government of republic of Iraq and NATO, submitted by the committee of security and defense.
- The Council voted on the draft law of first amendment to the order of CPA No.(87) of 2004, submitted by the committees of legal, economy and investment, services and construction.
- The Presidency postponed voting on the draft law of Monetary and Banking Training Center, submitted by the committee of finance.
- Voting on the draft law of the fifth amendment to the law of State Consultative Council No.(65) of 1979, submitted by the legal committee.
- Postponing voting on the draft law of sale and rent of state funds, submitted by the committees of finance, legal, endowments, economy and investment.
- The first reading of the draft law on ratification of the convention on organizing the maritime navigation in Khowr Abd Allah between the government of republic of Iraq and the government of state of Kuwait, submitted by the committees of foreign relations and legal.
- The Presidency of the Council of Representatives decided to host each of the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Minister of Transport in the Council session on Thursday to clarify the convention on maritime navigation and all what concerning the conventions and relation with Kuwait to enable the Council to make the right decision about the conventions.
- The second reading of the draft law on ratification of the convention on establishing a joint committee for cooperation between the government of republic of Iraq and the government of state of Kuwait, submitted by the committees of foreign relations, economy and investment, health and environment, culture and media.
- The second reading of the draft law of the first amendment to the law of service and military retirement No.(3) of 2010, submitted by the committees of security and defense, legal and finance.
- The second reading of the draft law of the first amendment to the law of Political Prisoners Foundation No.(4) of 2006, submitted by the committees of martyrs, victims and political prisoners, and legal.
The session was adjourned until Thursday 20/6/2013.