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Session 9, First Term, First Year 2014-08-23 3 Hour Session with Agenda
Attendees : 338 Deputy
Absence with Excused : 0 Deputy
Absence without Excused : 10 Deputy
Session Items
The constitutional oath for those who did not get the chance to do it before for the r ladies and gentlemen of the House of Representatives Executed
Discussing the issue of the execution of Air Force students at Spyker base with the presence of defense minister and the chief of operations of Salahuddin, and the commander of the federal police in Salahuddin, and the Deputy of interior Minister Executed
Session Report


 On 23 \ 8 \ 2014 House of Representatives held the session (9) of the first legislative term of the first year of the third legislative session headed by Mr. Saleem al-Jubouri, head of the House of Representatives, and the session included:

- The presence of 240 Deputy

- Mr. Saleem al-Jubouri, showed that the House of Representatives is sorry for and the recent security breaches and the horrific massacre which happened in Diyala province , calling the security authorities responsible to exert more efforts to avoid of such  criminal acts in the future.

- Mr. Ayad Allawi was sworn in for deputies of house of representatives

- The Deputy Najiba Najib read a statement on the situation of displaced people in the province of Dohuk and how tragic it i, noting that their number reached 700 000 people which requires declaration of a state of emergency after the school buildings  and governmental buildings has been filled with them pointing out that a lot of families were obliged to go to of the mountains and valleys while other the families stayed in the open without a shelter or health services.

- The Deputy Ola read a  statement on the massacre of Spyker  military base in the name of the families of the victim soldiers who are demanding the fate of their sons, she demanded the formation of a committee to follow up on what happened at the base and learn the fate of missing soldiers and their number and determine who is responsible for the transfer of soldiers from the base of Imam Ali in the province of Dhi'Qar safe to Spyker base and why .

-The Majority of House of Representatives voted  on making the Council meeting secret to discuss the massacre of Spyker  military base with the presence of of deputy of the Ministry of Interior and the official spokesman of the Ministry of Defense and the operational Gentlemen commander of Salahal-Din operations and the commander of the federal police in the province, and a representative of the fighting against terrorism.

- Council voted to entrust the security and defense committee, which will be voted on Monday in addition to the Human Rights Committee to complete the investigation of the massacre of Spyker and make recommendations and decisions necessary about the incident.

The Session was Adjourned to Monday , 25/8/2014

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