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Session 15, First Term, First Year 2014-09-17 1 Hour Session with Agenda
Attendees : 0 Deputy
Absence with Excused : 0 Deputy
Absence without Excused : 0 Deputy
Session Items
Session Report

On 09/16/2014 House of Representatives held the fifteenth session of the first legislative term for the first year under the chairmanship of its President, Mr. Saleem al-Jubouri and in the presence of (285) Vice, The session included: -

Declaration of Mr. President of the Council for the allocation of a hearing on Thursday to discuss the evaluation of the performance of the House of Representatives during the past eight years.

- the ladies and gentlemen members of the House of Representatives who occupy positions in government was sworn in for membership and they both gentlemen Saadoun Guillard and Adil Mhodr and Ali Shukri and Ali al-Adeeb and Azzedine aldawla and Najm al-Din Omar.

- Swearing in of Ministers who have been voted for and could not do it before,it was done by both gentlemen Hussain al-Shahristani and Muhammad Mahdi al-Bayati.

Sworn in of deputies who have held ministerial positions or the Vice-President of the Republic who are Hassan Sinead, instead of Nuri al-Maliki and Faris Abdul Aziz substitute for Osama Najafi and Kamil Nasser substitute for Mohammed Xiaa Sudanese and Hussein Aziz substitute for Naseer al-Issawi and activist Jassim substitute for Kikhany Tariq Ali and Hossam Hussein Bahaa al-Araji, a substitute for, Haidar Abdul-Kadhim instead of Ibrahim al-Jaafari and Qasim Hasan instead of Abdul Karim Younis and Najim Abdullah instead Falah Hassan Zeidan

- Voting on the candidates for ministerial positions remaining which have not been voted on earlier, did not succeed Mr. Riad Ghraib candidate for the post of interior minister win the confidence of parliament, where he received 117 votes out of 245 votes, and also Mr. Jaber al-Jabri nominee for Secretary of Defense for receiving 108 votes out of 251 votes, as well as Mr. Ali al-Adeeb, a candidate for the post of Minister of Tourism for being the voice of 78 out of 250 votes, and Mr. Mohsen Bekshm got bird candidate for the position of Minister of Water Resources on the confidence of parliament by winning 162 out of 250 voice voice.

- President's decision to display the names of al-Jubouri, the security minister in the session next Thursday at the latest.

- Swearing in for Ladies and Gentlemen substitutes Representatives for gentlemen who have held a ministerial or vice-president positions ,and They are Hassan Al-Sinead, instead of Nuri al-Maliki, Faris Abdul Aziz substitute for Osama Najafi and Kamil Nasser substitute for Mohammed Shiaa Al-Sudanee Hussein Aziz substitute for Naseer al-Issawi and Munadhil Jassim substitute for Tarik Kikhany and Hossam Ali Hussein substutie for Bahaa al-Araji, and Haidar Abdul-Kadhim instead of Ibrahim al-Jaafari and Qasim Hassan instead of AbdulKarim Younis and Najim Abdullah instead Falah Hassan Zeidan

- Voting for candidates to fill the remaining ministerial positions, Mr. Riad Ghraib candidate for the post of Interior Minister didn’t succeed in gaining the Parliament confidence for he obtained 117 votes out of 245 votes, and also Mr. Jaber al-Jabri candidate for the post of defense minister for receiving 108 votes out of 251 votes, as well as Mr. Ali al-Adeeb, a candidate for the post of Minister of Tourism for having 78 votes out of 250 votes, and Mr. Mohsen Asfoor a candidate for the post of Minister of Water Resources winning 162 votes out of the 250. - President al-Jubouri decision of displaying the names of security ministers at a session next Thursday at the least.

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