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Iraqi Constitution
Session Discussion for Iraqi Parliament

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Session 22,First Term,First Year 2014-10-18 1.3 Hour Session with Agenda
Attendees : 332 Deputy
Absence with Excused : 0 Deputy
Absence without Excused : 10 Deputy
Session Items
Session Report
The Iraqi parliament held on 18-10-2014 , the session 22 of the first legislative term / the first year of the third term . Headed by the speaker of the parliament Salem Aljboure , in the presence of (261) of the deputies . It is included : 

- Swaring in,as members of the parliament,of MP Shwan Fareq as an alternative to  Najem Adean Omar who has resigned , MP Farah Basel as an alternative to  the minister of education Mohammed Kabal , MP Iman Hamed as an alternative to  the minister of health Adela Hamood .  
- The speaker of the parliament has welcomed in the name of the council , the Prime Minister Haider Alebade , who has attended the session and has completed the remaining ministries .   

- The council has granted the confidence for Rose Noure Shawes , as  a deputy of the prime minister . Mohammed Salim Alghaban as the minister of  interior , Khaled Alobide as minister of defense , Hoshear Zebare as minister of finance , Jasem Mohammed Ali as minister of emigration and emigrants , Adel Fahed Alshershab as the minister of tourism , Baean Noure as the minister of  women , Saman Abdullah as  minister of state and Feread Rawendoze as the minister of culture . The Prime Minister has promised to be committed by the ministerial method , which have been presented during formulating the national partenership government . And then MPs have sworn .   
- The council has voted on the discussion of the security file consequences , in the presence of PM.  

It is decided to rise the session to Monday on 20-10-2014. 


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