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Iraqi Constitution
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Session 24,First Term,First Year 2014-10-28 3.5 Hour Session with Agenda
Attendees : 322 Deputy
Absence with Excused : 0 Deputy
Absence without Excused : 20 Deputy
Session Items
Session Report
The parliament has held its( 24) session of the first legislative term , the first year on 28_10_2014 . The session was headed by the speaker of the parliament Mr. Salem Aljboure , (204) of the deputies have attended the session . It was included : 
- Swearing of MP. Adnan Mohsen Aldanboes and MP. Ali Alsajre as deputies in the parliament and as an alternative to the deputy of the president Mr. Aead Alawe and the minister of environment Mr. Kotaeba Aljboure .  
- The speaker of the parliament has congratulated in his statement , the security forces , the public gather and Albeshmarka forces for their victories in Beje , Jourf Alsakher and Nenawa . 
- The first reading of technical and scientific consultation bureau project in the ministry of technology and science which is presented by the committee of high education . 
- The parliament has voted to postpone voting on continuing the reading of technical and scientific consultation bureau project in the ministry of technology and science . After finishing its first reading ,until  the time of hosting a representative from the ministry , to show them the basis and principles . Which they have based on in the bill , that is presented by the committee of high education . This bill aims to put the ministry of technology and science as a substitution for the Iraqi nuclear energy organization , pursuant to the order (24_2003), by the deposed coalition power. And due to the necessity to invest the technical and scientific capabilities . By establishing a consultation bureau for these capabilities . The first reading of the project of the Iraqi scientific convention , which is presented by the committees of high education , legal , culture and media .  
- The speaker of the parliament Mr. Salem Aljboure has congratulated the Iraqi sportive delegation , which have won 31 medal in the Asiatic championship.He also called the committee of sport and youth to prepare for a meeting between the presidency and the sportive delegation. 
- The first reading for the bill of non-governmental universities and colleges , which is presented by the legal committee and the committee of high education .  
- The first reading of the bill of prisoners reforming , which is presented by the committee of labor and social affairs , the legal committee , the committee of security and defense , the committee of human rights . 
 it isdecided to rise the session to Thursday on 30_10_2014 . 
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