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Session (4) / Semester Two / Third Year

  Session Items
Session Report





Resumption of the session (34) / first semester / third year 2021-01-12 0 Hour Session with Agenda
Attendees : 0 Deputy
Absence with Excused : 0 Deputy
Absence without Excused : 0 Deputy
Session Items
Session Report
 On (12/1/2021), the House of Representatives held its thirty-fourth session of the first legislative term for the third year, the fourth electoral cycle headed by Mr. Hassan Al-Kaabi, and the session included:

 - Demanding the interventions of the ladies and gentlemen of the representatives to be fair to the province of Basra from the petrodollar dues and the revenues of the border crossings, taking into account the population ratio for it and completing the projects that are lagging in it, and the demand to grant the Kurdistan region’s share within the budget according to the latest statistics of the Federal Ministry of Planning in addition to providing financial allocations to the municipalities in the Kirkuk governorate and controlling the border outlets  And double salaries and space workers, and the demand to provide funds for displaced camps in Dohuk governorate to meet their needs and increase the allocations of the Ministry of Health to counter the repercussions of the Corona virus.

 - Interventions warn of the high percentage of the fiscal deficit in the general budget, as it foreshadows an economic collapse of the country, its lack of a mechanism to implement reforms, and the absence of transparency in the draft law.

 Directing Mr. Hassan Al-Kaabi to host the heads of the Martyrs Foundation and the Political Prisoners Foundation in the Council to discuss the financial allocations for the two institutions in the 2021 budget.

 - Mr. Bashir Al-Haddad presided over part of the session.

 - Focusing the opinions of the ladies and gentlemen of the representatives during the session on the demand for adequate financial allocation to provide services in Nineveh Governorate and the call for the disbursement of pension entitlements for council members in the governorates and districts, allocating grants to protect the Euphrates from sediments, maintenance of main roads in Anbar Governorate, and taking into account the dues of Halabcha within the budget

 - Calling Mr. Bashir Al-Haddad to the importance of naming the government a representative in the House of Representatives so that the observations and proposals of the ladies and gentlemen are conveyed to the government and answered.

 After that, it was decided to resume the session on Wednesday 1/13/2021


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