Foundationto study themechanisms ofthe perceptions ofintellectual advancementindependent Iraqiinstitution,seeksto contribute to thedevelopment of a cultureof Iraqi society.Founded inApril 2004.Been approvedbythe institutionand theregistration documentissued by theMinistry of Planning andDevelopment Cooperation of theRepublic of Iraq,the status of NGOscall(1B6401)in01.08.2004.According to theregistration documentissued bythe NGOin the Secretariatof the Council ofMinisterscall(411)on30.11.2008.
Foundationincludes: First,perceptions ofthe Centrefor Research andStudies. Second,the Iraqi Centerfor the Culture ofthe Child. Third:the quarterlymagazineof intellectualperceptions.
IFC's vision: Flawdetectionsystemwhichdistorted theconceptsof community awarenessin order to addressits impact onthe behavior andculture of individuals. Objectives First,try to provideappropriate intellectualenvironmentin preparation for thecommunityto acceptreforms. Second: Activatethe constructive dialoguebetween the components ofIraqi society andleading to theidentity ofthe Iraqiparticipants. Third,readthe experiences ofdemocracy in thebuildingsociety of the Statefor use inthe Iraqi reality Fourth:to contribute to thedevelopment of a cultureof Iraqi children.